Faculty Fridays

A group of Western students at a football game

New this year: Join us for Faculty Fridays!

Faculty Fridays are faculty-specific orientation days focused on supporting you in your academic transition into university life. Get to know your faculty supports, meet other first year students from your program, and learn more about what to expect when classes begin in the fall.  

What's included: 

  • Meet first year students from your program/faculty 
  • Learn from upper-year student leaders 
  • Meet your faculty-specific supports (including Academic Advisors and Associate Deans) 
  • Learn what to expect as a first-year student in your faculty 
  • Become acquainted with Western's campus 
  • ...and more! 

Sign up for Faculty Fridays!

Capacity is limited.


Faculty Faculty Friday Event Date
Arts & Humanities July 5
Music July 5
DAN Management July 12
Social Science July 19
Science & Basic Medical Science July 12 & 19*
Health Sciences July 26
Engineering August 9
General Faculty Friday** August 9

*Please only register and attend 1 of the dates.

**If your specific Faculty Friday date conflicts with your summer plans, please feel free to join us August 9 for our General Faculty Friday event open to students in all faculties.

A tentative schedule will soon be available. All Faculty Friday days will start at 10 a.m. with check-in available starting at 9 a.m. Locations will be shared after registration!

Concurrent programming will be available for parents/guests.